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ChemUK 2024

In May the Flux Pumps UK team headed up to Birmingham for the ChemUKexpo, and what a great time we had! In fact, we’ve already booked our stand for next year!


In May the Flux Pumps UK team headed up to Birmingham for the ChemUKexpo, and what a great time we had! In fact, we’ve already booked our stand for next year!

Thank you to those who visited our stand. As always, we had a fantastic couple of days meeting existing customers and lots new prospects.

We look forward to seeing you all again next year.


Contact and information:

FLUX Pumps Intern. (UK) Ltd.
12 Enterprise Park
Blackmoor Road
Verwood, Dorset BH31 6YS
Phone. +44 1202 823304
Fax +44 1202 813387

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